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How to connect a Google account

In this section, we will guide you through connecting a Google account with the Mageplaza Product Feed. Follow it step-by-step and pay attention to our attached images for a clearer understanding.

Visiting Mageplaza Product Feed, you will be directed to the Dashboard page, which provides an overview of the app.

Step 1: Access Manage Feed, click the Add feed button to create a feed.

Step 2: You are redirected to the Select channel screen, select the sales channel you want to use to import the product and click Sign in.

Step 3: The Choose an account window appears, select an account you want to use to connect to Mageplaza Product Feed.

Step 4: A confirmation window will pop up. Click Continue to share your account information.

Step 5: Click Allow to grant the app the requested permissions.

Step 6: After granting all permissions and signing in successfully, you'll return to the Select channel page.

Click Next to proceed with creating the feed, which will lead you to the next step, Connect Google Merchant Account.

Choose your Google Merchant account, then click Connect to link the app to Google Merchant Center. This will verify or claim the website and domain.

Verified domain

Unverified domain

  • If there's a verification error with the domain, click Go to Merchant Center to redirect to the GMC page.
  • Alternatively, if you choose to skip website verification, you can still continue creating the feed, but it won't sync successfully to GMC.
  • Click Next to complete the process of connecting your Google account with the Merchant ID.
  • You will then be redirected to the Create Feed page to start a new feed.

View this video to connect your Shopify store with Google Merchant Center:

And that's it! You have now completed connecting your Google account with our application.