Affiliate Pro
Mageplaza Affiliate extension for Magento 2 is the greater choice than ever if you want to build an Affiliate program that is crazy enough to drive traffic and sales increase promptly, get qualified leads, and also enhance your brand awareness. Our Affiliate program allows you to pay affiliates an amount of commissions. Mageplaza Affiliate User Guide will provide detailed instructions to know How to use on the frontend and How to Config on the backend.
How to Use​​
After installing Affiliate module, an Affiliate link is available on the footer of your site. Click on the link and go to the Affiliate Page.
Affiliate Home Page​​
Affiliate Home Page is already setup with CMS Block, including Welcome Message and How does Affiliate Program work? If you want to change the text, it is possible to edit from the backend. In addition, all of the active Affiliate Programs will be displayed on the Affiliate Home Page.
Look at the left panel on the page, customers can sign up to become an affiliate.
My Affiliate​
Each affiliate can manage every credit information such as available balance, holding balance, total earned, and total paid, and all transactions related to the account are listed in detail.
Campaigns, Commission, Discount, Coupon Code, Valid Time, Copy Referral Link button, and More Details will be shown here:
Affiliate Links and Banners​
Affiliate Links​
Affiliate module by Mageplaza allows affiliate to refer friends via referral URL, code, and email.
Just insert friends' email addresses together with a message to send invitation instantly on Affiliate Links and Banners page. Besides that, they can edit the Referral Code or share Referal URL via social media. Customers can edit the Referral Code in this section:
At the Banner Page, all available banners according to each campaign will be listed here:
When clicking on “Get Banner link”, the HTML and Banner Link will show as below:
My Withdrawal Page​​
Mageplaza Affiliate supports offline payment and PayPal payment for the withdrawal. You can check the 10 most recent withdrawals. Each created withdrawal will be saved and managed in Withdraw History. Let's follow its status to know where the request is in progress.
Balance History Page​​
Affiliate allows you to check Commission Logs with detailed information about the affiliate account's commission receipt including time, campaigns, status, customer ordered, product, Total sales, and Commission. Besides that, the Withdraw History is also displayed to record affiliate account withdrawal details (Amount, Fee, Withdraw Method, Withdraw Description, Status, and so on).
Commission Logs and Withdraw History are displayed in the following screenshot:
Setting Page​​
When the affiliate account selects which email to receive, that email will be sent.
How to Configure​​
From the Admin Panel, go to Mageplaza Extensions > Affiliate > Configuration
1. Configuration​​
1.1. General​​
- Enable: Choose
to apply the feature of the module
1.1.1. Advanced Configuration
Cookie Expiration
- Enter the number of days to store cookies of this program.
- If skip it, the default (365) is used, that means Lifetime Commissions can be active.
Allow overriding cookies: Choose
to override Affiliate code when a customer is referred by many Affiliates.Enable Banner: If
, the banner will be shown on the Affiliate Links and Banners page on the frontend.
Show Affiliate link on: Choose the display position of the Affiliate link
- Show Affiliate link on = Footer Link: Display the Affiliate link in the bottom of the page
- Show Affiliate link on = Top Link: Display the Affiliate link in the top of the page along with the link
My Account
- You can choose to display in both positions
- If admin does not choose the position to display Affiliate link, the link only show on Frontend at My Account Page when customers login.
Custom CSS
- Admin can freely customize the display of the Affiliate site
- Supports HTML, CSS
Enable Referral History: Select
to show Refer History page in My Affiliate. Display information of customers invited using Refer URL or Coupon Code, including columns such as ID, Customer Name, Customer Email Address, Date.Enable Affiliate Referral Information: Select
to show Parent Affiliate customer information on the My Account page. Note that, the customer account has Sign Up Account Affiliate and the Affiliate account has been active.
1.1.2. Default Page​
Affiliate homepage content
- Select CMS Block for Affiliate homepage content
- The default display is: Affiliate Welcome homepage content
Affiliate Policy content
- Select CMS Static Block for Affiliate Policy content
- The default display is: Affiliate Welcome homepage content
1.1.3. Coupon code
- Allow using Affiliate Code as Coupon: Select
, so customers can use Affiliate Code as Coupon code on the shopping cart page and checkout page. - Coupon Suffix: Enter the Suffix you want to set for the Affiliate Code.
1.1.4. Affiliate URL​
URL Style: Choose the type to display URL
- URL Style = Hash: Display URL as
- URL Style = Parameter: Display URL as
Custom parameter
- Enter the letter for the customization of Affiliate URL. Those parameters here will be inserted in front of the Refer code
- If this field is left blank, the default value is "u".
For example: refer code is 123, Custom parameter is ABC
Parameter value
- Parameter value = Affiliate ID: Display the ID of Affiliate account on the Refer URL link in My Account/ My Affiliate/ Refer Friend outside the frontend. For example: ?u=1 or #u1
- Parameter value = Affiliate Code: Display the code of Affiliate account on the Refer URL link outside the frontend. For example: ?u=b1dc or #ub1dc and display the code of Affiliate account in the Refer Code field in My Account/ My Affiliate/ Refer Friend outside the frontend
Length of Affiliate code
- Enter the length of Affiliate code
- The default length is 6 characters
- It is recommended to enter a length between 3 and 32 characters to ensure safety
1.2. Account Configuration​​
1.2.1. Affiliate Sign up
Default Affiliate Group
- Choose the default group whenever an account is registered as an Affiliate account
- The original default group is General
Require admin's approval: Choose
so that when registering as an affiliate account, you don't need to go through the censorship of the storeChecked "Email notification" by default: Select
to automatically check the Receive affiliate email box on the My Account/My Affiliate/Setting tab outside the frontend whenever an account is registered as an Affiliate account.
1.2.2.Terms and Conditions
Enable Terms and Conditions: Choose
to display Terms and Conditions in the Sign Up section which is outside the frontendCheckbox Text: Enter the checkbox text that is in the right of Terms and Conditions checkbox.
Terms and Conditions Title: Enter the title for Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions Content
- Select CMS Block for Terms and Conditions Content
- The default content is Affiliate terms & conditions
Checkbox is checked by default: Choose
to tick in the checkbox automatically
1.2.3. Account Balance
Maximum of Affiliate Balance
- Enter the Maximum of Affiliate Balance
- If Affiliate reaches the milestone, none of commission is added
- If the field is left empty or entered as zero, Affiliate Balance will have no limitation
Allow negative balance: If Affiliate's account balance is not enough to take back commission, allow the balance to be negative number by choosing
in the respective field
1.3. Commission Configuration​​
- Earn commission from tax: Choose Yes to earn commission from tax
1.3.1. Commission calculation process
Allow Affiliate receiving commission when Invoice created
- Allow Affiliate receiving commission when Invoice created = Yes: Commissions received when creating an invoice
- Allow Affiliate receiving commission when Invoice created = No: Commissions are only received when the order is in the completed state
Hold commission transactions for
- Enter the days between commission transaction for accounts. After that period of time, the transaction will no longer be kept
- If the field is blank or entered as 0, the transaction will not be kept
Deduct commission from Affiliate's balance when the order is refunded/canceled
- Choose
to allow deducting the commission from the balance of the branch when the order is refunded or canceled - The default allows deducting
- Choose
1.4 Withdrawal Configuration​​
Allow withdrawal request: Select
to display the withdrawal request outside the frontendPayment Methods
- There are three withdrawal methods which are Offline payment, Bank Transfer and Paypal payment, and Store Credit. Affiliate extension is completely compatible with Mageplaza Store Credit (v4.0.4 or above for M2.4 | v1.1.9 or above for M2.3 or below) to support withdrawal with the store credit payment.
- Enter the withdrawal fee for each form of withdrawal. You can enter the charge as a specific amount or a percentage of the total amount withdrawn
- To allow displaying a withdraw’s form outside the frontend, select Active = Yes corresponding to that form
The minimum balance in affiliate account for requesting withdrawal
- Enter the minimum balance in the linked account to request a withdraw
- If you leave blank or fill in as 0, you will not be limited when withdrawing
Minimum withdrawal amount
- Enter the minimum amount for each withdraws
- The withdraw fee will be included in here
Maximum withdrawal amount
- Enter the maximum amount for each withdraws
- The withdraw fee will be included in here
1.5 Email Configuration​​
Email Sender
- Select the email sender
- The default email sender is: General Contact
1.5.1 Admin Email
- Send Emails To: Enter the email address so that admin can receive notifications. You can fill in multiple emails, separate them by commas ","
- New Affiliate Sign Up: Select
to let admin receive notification emails when a customer signs up for affiliate program. This will show the Sign up Template field - New Withdraw Request: Select
to let admin receive notification email when a customer requests withdraw. This will show the Withdraw Request Template field.
1.5.2. Account Email
Send Welcome Email: Choose
to send the email when an account registered as an Affiliate accountWelcome Email
- Choose the email template sending when an account registered as an Affiliate account
- The default content of the template is Welcome Email (Default)
Welcome Email After Account Approved
- Choose the email template sending when the registered account is approved to be an Affiliate account by the store owner
- The default content of the template is Welcome Email After Account Approved (Default)
Account Rejection: Select
to send email to the customer whose request register for affiliate account is rejected. This shows the Account Rejection Template fieldAccount Change Status: Select
to email the customer when the status of the affiliate account changes. This shows the Account Change Status Template fieldWithdraw Cancel Email: Select
to email customer when the customer's withdraw request is canceled. This shows the Withdraw Cancel Template field
1.5.3. Transaction Email` section
Send Transaction Email: Select
to send a notification email whenever there is a transactionUpdate Balance Email
- Select the sending email template when there is a change in the balance
- The default content of the template is Update Balance Email (Default)
1.5.4. Withdrawal Email
Send Withdrawal Email: Select
to send a notification email when you withdraw moneyWithdrawal Complete Email
- Select the sending email template when there is a change in the balance
- The default content of the template is Withdraw Complete Email (Default)
1.5.5. Campaign Email
- Send New Campaign Email: Select
to send a New Campaign Email to the affiliate account when a new campaign is created and that affiliate account must meet the campaign conditions. - The receiver will receive the email as this form
- Send Expired Campaign Email: Select
to Send Expired Campaign Template to the affiliate account when the campaign expires and that affiliate account must meet the campaign conditions - The Expired Campaign Template will be in this form:
Note: These emails will be sent at 0 a.m every day.
1.6. Refer Friends Configuration​​
Enable Refer Friends Feature: Choose
to activate the introduce to friends functionRefer Sharing Email
- Choose the email template which will be sent when introducing with friends through email
- The default content of the template is Affiliate Sharing Email (Default)
Default Refer URL
- Insert the referral link. This link will display in the My Account/My Affiliate/Refer Friend tab
- If empty, the default homepage URL will be used. Property ID
- Enter the Property ID to identify your ShareThis property.
- If empty, default Public ShareThis ID 65435143043d5c0012cc72df will be used
- Instructions on how to get property values can be found here Tool
- Select your Enabled Engine under Property ID. Because each Property ID corresponds to a different domain, if your tool does not belong to the entered Property ID, the social refer friend section will not work.
Use Cloudsponge to retrieve email contacts: Select
to allow access contacts from customer's account such as Gmail, Yahoo, Live, AOL, Outlook, etc.Cloudsponge Key
- Enter the Cloudsponge key
- The default key used is a473483c2e256bd812bdc9a0bac867ecf1999a54
Enable Referral via Social Networks on Product Listing Page: If
, the Referral via Social Networks will be displayed in the product listing page, helping customers to share and introduce to their friends to join the campaigns and get certain promotions.
- Enable Referral via Social Networks on Product Details Page: If Yes, Referral via Social Networks will be displayed in the product details page.
Note: As no longer supports, the features in this section have accordingly stopped working since May 31st, 2023.
1.6.1. Sending Email Content
Default Subject Email
- Enter a title for the sending email
- The default title is Good product and services
Default Email Body
- Enter the content for the sending email
- The default content is I've been shopping at {{store_name}} and feel really happy. They provide good service and reasonable prices.
2. Manage Accounts​​
From the Admin panel, go to Marketing > Affiliate > Manage Accounts
2.1. Manage Grid​​
- Display Affiliate account information: account balance, total earned amount, account activity status, etc. Click the Edit link to see the account details.
- In this panel, admin can delete the account by clicking to the account checkbox, then choose Action > Delete
2.2. Mass action: change affiliate group​
Admin can change the affiliate group with one click:
2.3. Add New Account​​
Account: Choose account
Affiliate Group: Select the group for the created Affiliate account
Referred By: Enter the ID of the previously registered Affiliate account
- Status = Active: The Affiliate account which is just created can start working now
- Status = Inactive: The Affiliate account which is just created can't start working yet
- Status = Need Approved: he Affiliate account which is just created needs to be approved by admin
Email Notification: Choose Yes to receive notification emails when there is a change in your Affiliate account balance
2.4. Edit account​
Admin can edit the account and check the transaction log of the affiliate account here:
3. Affiliate Groups​​
From the Admin panel, go to Mageplaza Marketing > Affiliate > Affiliate Groups​
3.1. Manage Grid​​
There are five default groups: General, Bronze, Sliver, Gold, Platinum
3.2. Add New Group​​
- Insert the group name
- This field is compulsorily required
4. Campaigns​​
From the Admin panel, go to Mageplaza Marketing > Affiliate > Campaigns​​
4.1 Edit Campaigns​​
- Step 1: Fill in the Campaign Information
- Step 2: Choose the conditions for applying the campaign
- Step 3: Set up Actions
Step 1: Fill in the Campaign Information​
Campaign Information​
- Name your campaign
- This is a required field
Description: Fill in the description of your campaign
Status: Select enable to apply the campaign
Website IDs
- Choose the website to conduct the campaign
- This is also a required field
Affiliate Groups
- Choose the group you want to conduct the campaign
- This is another required field
- Display = Allow Guest: Show the campaign for all visitors
- Display = Affiliate Member Only: Show the campaign for Affiliate only
Active From Date: Select the starting day for your campaign
Active To Date: Select the finishing day for your campaign
Priority: Enter the number of priorities for each campaign. If the conditions are met, the campaign with the lowest priority will be applied.
Campaign Referral Link
This includes the Referral Link field to create referral links for the campaign. If left blank, it will default to the only link placed in the Configuration section.
Step 2: Choose the conditions for applying the campaign​
- You can choose the products for a specific campaign by setting the rules for those products
- Or you can also choose the categories for applying the campaign
- If you satisfy the conditions in the cart and the conditions here (for each specific item), you will receive a discount and commission
Step 3: Set up the Action
- Choose the rule for each item matching the following conditions
- Leave it blank if the rule is for all items.
Set up Discount
- Apply = Percent of product price discount: Apply discount for the percentage of each product price
- Apply = Fixed amount discount for product: Apply a fixed discount for purchasing
Discount value: Insert the amount or the percentage of discount for purchasing
Apply to Shipping Amount: Choose
to apply discount for shippingDiscount Description: Insert the description for your discount policy
Set up the Commission​
In this section, allowing to configure the Tiers. You can choose one or add more tiers as follow:
Pay per commission: Pay per sale is the default option for this field.
There are two commision types:
- Percentage of product price: Commision is calculated based on the percentage of each product price
- Fixed amount: Commission is a fixed amount
Choose type and value of commission in the 1st order and the next orders. You can set them to the same or separated option depending on your strategy.
4.2. Add new Campaigns​​
- Step 1: Fill in the Campaign Information
- Step 2: Choose the conditions for applying the campaign
- Step 3: Set up Discount
Step 1: Fill in the Campaign Information
Campaign Information​
- Name your campaign
- This is a required field
Description: Fill in the description of your campaign
Status: Select yes to apply the campaign
Website IDs
- Choose the website to conduct the campaign
- This is also a required field
Affiliate Groups
- Choose the group you want to conduct the campaign
- This is another required field
- Display = Allow Guest: Show the campaign for all visiters
- Display = Affiliate Member Only: Show the campaign for Affiliate only
Active From Date: Select the starting day for your campaign
Active To Date: Select the finishing day for your campaign
Priority: Enter the number of priorities for each campaign. If the conditions are met, the campaign with the lowest priority will be applied.
Campaign Referral Link
This includes the Referral Link field to create referral links for the campaign. If left blank, it will default to the only link placed in the Configuration section.
Step 2: Choose the conditions for applying the campaign
- You can choose the products for a specific campaign by set the rules for those products
- Or you can also choose the categories for applying the campaign
Step 3: Set up the Action
- Choose the rule for each item matching the following conditions
- Leave it blank if the rule is for all items.
- From the Affiliate Pro, it applies multi-tier: for each item in a campaign, you can receive discounts and commissions according to different tiers
Set up Discount
- Apply = Percent of product price discount: Apply discount for the percentage of each product price
- Apply = Fixed amount discount for product: Apply a fixed discount for purchasing
Discount value: Insert the amount or the percentage of discount for purchasing
Apply to Shipping Amount: Choose Yes to apply discount for shipping
Discount Description: Insert the description for your discount policy
Set up the Commission​
In this section, allowing to configure the Tiers. You can choose one or add more tiers as follow:
Pay per commission: Pay per sale is the default option for this field.
There are two commision types:
- Percentage of product price: Commision is calculated based on the percentage of each product price
- Fixed amount: Commission is a fixed amount
Choose type and value of commission in the 1st order and the next orders. You can set them to the same or separated option depending on your strategy.
5. Withdraws​​
5.1. Manage Grid​​
- Allow showing the withdraw history of each Affiliate account including The amount, the status, payment method, etc. Click Edit to see the details of each withdraw.
- Admin can also change the status or delete the withdraw history.
5.2. Add New Withdraws​​
- Click to this field to show the affiliate account that has positive balance which can be withdrawn
- This field is required
- Insert the withdraw amount which is including the fee of withdrawal
- This is a required field
- Insert the withdraw fee
- If you let this field empty, the configuration value will be applied
Payment Method
- Choose the payment method for withdrawal
- There are three payment methods: Offline payment, Bank Transfer, Paypal payment, Store Credit
Withdraw Description: Fill in the description for withdrawal
Payment Detail:
- For Offline payment, you need to insert the Addresses
- For Bank Transfer, insert the Bank account
- For Paypal payment, you need to fill in the Paypal email and Transaction ID
- Payment Email: Enter the Paypal email who receive commission
- Paypal transaction Id: Enter Paypal transaction ID
6. Transactions​​
6.1 Manage Grid​​
- Show the transaction of each affiliate account including the amount, status, the order, Product SKU, Product Qty, and Campaign that generates a commission. Click View to see more details of each transaction.
- The transaction is created according to each item: For each item in the order that meets the conditions in the campaign, the affiliate account receives a commission. Each item will create 1 transaction. In case 1 item has many qty, if the customer creates an invoice/shipment or refund each item according to the qty quantity, a transaction will be created according to the number of invoices, shipment, refund, and qty.
- Admin can also change the status or delete the transaction records.
Assign to Affiliate Group
After adding the new Affiliate accounts, store admin can manage them in the Accounts Management grid.
- On the grid, find the Affiliate account needed to assign and open the Edit mode
- Choose the Affiliate group to assign. By the default, General is chosen
6.2. Add New Transaction​​
- Click to this field to show the affiliate account and then you can choose the account to add transaction in
- This is a required field
- Insert the added amount. It can be a negative one
- This is a required field
Title: Add the Title of transaction
Holding Transaction For
- Add the number of days that you want to keep the transaction records
- If you leave it empty or insert 0, the transaction will be deleted
7. Email​
7.1 Notification emails for successful registration the affiliate account​
7.2 Notification emails for Affiliate account approval​
7.3 Notification emails for changing the Affiliate account balance​
7.4 Notification emails for completion of withdraw request​
7.5 Notification emails for admin when there is a request to create Affiliate account​
7.6 Notification emails for admin when there is a request to withdraw​
7.7 Notification emails for customer when an account creation request is rejected​
7.8 Notification emails for customer when status of Affiliate account changes​
7.9 Notification emails for customer when withdrawal request is rejected​
8. Compatible with Mageplaza Store Credit (Withdraw)​
Affiliate is compatible with the Store Credit extension by Mageplaza to support withdrawal into store credit accounts conveniently and connect accounts with each other.