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Customer Approval


Managing customers from the beginning will help you control your website well, gain profits and obtain certain customer trust. With Mageplaza's Customer Approval extension, you can definitely do that. Admin will receive an email notification when a customer successfully registers for an account and he can choose auto-approve or manually approve. Accordingly, your customers will receive email notifications of successful signing up for an account, successfully approved or not approved. You should install Mageplaza_SMTP to avoid your email to be sent to the spam box and it is fully compatible with the Customer Approval extension.

Download & Install

How to use

Approval Account Notification: Show the notification when customers have registered accounts and are waiting for approval

[Customer] Successful Register: Send notification emails to customers when they have registered the accounts successfully

[Customer] Approve Notification: Send notification emails to customers when admins approve the customers' accounts

[Customer] Not Approve Notification: Send notification emails to customers when admins do not approve the customers' accounts

Admin Notification: Send notification emails to admins when customers registered accounts that need to be approved

How to configure

1. Configuration

Login to the Admin Magento, choose Stores> Configuration> Customer Approval.

1.1. General

  • Enable: Select Yes to turn on the Module and use Approve Customer Account function

  • Auto Approve: If selecting Yes, it will automatically Approve when the customer registers in Frontend.

  • After-registration Notification:

    • Enter a notification when the account is successfully registered.
    • If left blank, the default is "Your account requires approval".
  • Not Approve Customer Login: Select the Not Approve Customer Login notification type and still login:

    • Show Error: Will display the Not Approve Customer Login error message. Displaying additional Error Message field.

      • Error Message: Enter the notification when the client account is not accepted or still has not been approved but try to log in. If left blank, the default is "Your account is not approved".

    • Redirect CMS Page: Select to redirect to the Not Approve Customer Login page:

    • For Not Approve Customer Page

  • Auto Approve via Email Domain:

    • Auto Approve condition (automatically approves registrations) based on Email Domain
    • Entering Email Domain will activate the function.
    • Only registrations with Email Domain entered will be Auto approved
    • All registrations coming from other Email Domains will be Pending to wait for manual approval by Admin.

  • Auto Approve via IP Address:

    • Auto Approve condition (automatically approves registrations) based on IP Address.
    • Entering IP Address will activate the function.
    • Only registrations with IP Address entered will be Auto approved
    • All registrations coming from other IP Addresses will be Pending to wait for manual approval by Admin.

  • Auto Reject By Email Domain:

    • Automatically reject registrations based on Email Domain
    • Entering the Email Domain will activate the function.
    • Only registrations with Email Domain entered will be Auto Rejected
    • All registrations coming from other Email Domains are not affected

  • Auto Reject By IP Address:

    • Automatically reject registrations based on Email IP
    • Entering IP Address will activate the function.
    • Only registrations with Email IP entered will be Auto Rejected
    • All registrations coming from other Email IP are not affected

  • Reject Reason: When enabled, a popup will display with a box to enter the reason for rejection when the admin rejects a customer's registration

1.2. Admin Notification Email

  • Enable:
    • Select "Yes" to turn on email notification for admin when a customer successfully registers an account. The system will then display other fields.

  • Install Mageplaza_SMTP to avoid sending to spam box.
  • Admin Notification Email configuration will be collapsed when selecting “No”

  • Sender: Select the person to send email to notify admin:

  • Email Template: Select an email template to notify admin when the customer successfully registered an account. You can go to Marketing> Email Templates, select Add New Template to choose to create a notification email template.

  • Recipient(s):   - Enter the email who receives the notification when the customer registers the account.

    • You can enter multiple email recipients at the same time and they must be separated by commas.

1.3. Customer Notification Email

  • Sender: Select the person who sent the email to notify the customer.

1.3.1. Successful Register
  • Enable: Select "Yes" to enable email notification for customers when Successful Register.

  • Email Template: Choose an email template to notify customers of successful account registration. You can go to Marketing> Email Templates, select Add New Template to choose to create a notification email template.

1.3.2. Approve Notification
  • Enable: Select "Yes" to enable email notification to customers when approved with a registered account.

  • Email Template: Choose an email template to notify customers when approved with a registered account. You can go to Marketing> Email Templates, select Add New Template to choose to create a notification email template.

1.3.3. Reject Notification
  • Enable: Select "Yes" to turn on email notifications for customers when not approved with the registered account.

  • Email Template: Select an email template to notify customers when not approved with a registered account. You can go to Marketing> Email Templates, select Add New Template to choose to create a notification email template.

2. Customers

2.1. Grid

  • Login to the Magento Admin, choose Customers> All Customers.
  • This section lists the information of the registered customer with fields such as Name, Email, Group, Approval Status, Date of Birth, etc. Here you can manually approve or not approve at Action and edit with any customer you want.

2.2. Edit Customer

  • Click on Edit to edit or approve/not approve any client. With Approval Status shows the status of customer account registration.

Using API

  • You can use the API integrated with Magento to view the Approved Customers, Waiting for Approval and Not Approval Customers when they sign up for an account.
  • Here, we use Postman to support this. You can register Postman here. Also, you can use other apps to support approval and not approval.

1. Integration with Magento:

Step 1: Login to the Magento Admin, choose System> Extensions> Integrations> Add New Integrations to create new integration.

Note: For the API tab you should select Customers and Mageplaza Customer Approval.

Step 2: After creating the Integration, please select Activate

Step 3: Click Allow to get the information of the Access Token field.

2. Guide for using Postman to get customers list of waiting for approval, approved and not approved accounts.

2.1 To list the approved customers, you can use the GET method:

2.2 Approve with customers who have registered an account are in the status of Pending or Not Approval, you can use POST method.

2.3 Not Approve with customers who have registered an account are in Pending or Approval status, you can use POST method.

Instructions to run the command to Approve or Not Approve customer accounts

  • Approve: You want approval when the registered account is in pending status or not approval, please run the following command:
php bin/magento customer:approve "email customer"
  • Example: php bin/magento customer:approveemail""
  • Not Approve:
php bin/magento customer:notapprove"emailcustomer"
  • Example: php bin/magento customer:notapprove""


When installing, you should run the following command to update customer grid:

  php bin/magento indexer:reindex customer_grid

When you want to remove the extension, you should go to the database to delete. Access to eav_attribute table, in the attribute_code column, you find and delete the is_approved attribute