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Gift card


Gift card, also known as a gift certificate or gift voucher, is a prepaid stored-value money card usually used in depositing money in a store online’s account of customers. Gift cards are issued as an alternative to cash or credit cards to purchase products within a particular store. The amount of deposited money in the gift card is granted indefinitely and they can not be transferred from one account to another or purchase another gift card.

Magento 2 Gift Card extension is a useful extension for online stores. The extension offers magnificent features that allow admins to create unlimited virtual/physical gift cards with full control over templates; the price of the gift card and the value of purchases; gift codes and discounts; conditions of use; expiration and display locations. Moreover, it's really flexible for gift card users to create their own card templates, track and manage their sent gift certificates. In addition, buyers can take advantage of the basic and advanced features of gift cards.

Furthermore, the Gift Card extension allows store owners to send gift cards to their customers via email, SMS, or the Post Office.

Outstanding Features​

Outstanding FeatureDescription
1Manage gift codesAllows store owners to easily create, edit and delete gift codes through the management interface, collect basic information in gift codes such as gift code campaign, ID, code, status, balance, expiration date Expiry date, number of times used, date of creation, …, admin can also flexibly create flexible codes. Allows store owners to create, edit and delete gift codes easily through the management interface, collecting basic information version in gift code such as gift code campaign, ID, code, status, balance, expiration date, number of uses, and creation date... admin can also flexibly create flexible code.
2Manage gift code poolsSupport creating gift code groups to manage and distribute gift cards according to many different campaigns.
3Track gift card balanceHelps store owners manage and track customer gift card balances right in the dashboard.
4Enter gift card codes in bulkSupports entering multiple gift card codes at the same time, saving time and effort for store owners.
5Gift card credit managementStore owners can track and manage each customer's gift card balance directly in the dashboard. This feature allows you to easily view detailed information about your current balance, usage history and related transactions, thereby supporting customer care and optimizing the shopping experience.


We offer two methods for installing our plugins: the Copy & Paste method and the Composer method. Please follow the detailed instructions provided below.

Method 1: Installation via Copy & Paste​

To install our plugins using the Copy & Paste method, kindly follow the instructions at the link below:

How to Install Magento 2 Extension via Copy & Paste

Method 2: Installation via Composer​

Composer name: mageplaza/module-gift-card

To install our extensions using Composer, please refer to the comprehensive guide at the link below:

How to Install Magento Extension via Composer

By following these guides, you can ensure that the installation process is handled correctly, allowing you to fully utilize the features and benefits of our plugins.

Module Update Guide​

Keeping your module updated ensures optimal performance. Follow one of these steps to update your module:

  1. By Account Dashboard: Log in to your Mageplaza account > go to the My Licenses section > click on the Download button > choose the latest version from the popup.
  2. By composer: Kindly use the following commands to update module via composer
composer require mageplaza/(composer name)
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Updating a module by Composer ensures efficient dependency management, version control, and integration with development tools, making the process faster and more reliable.

How to use​

I. For customers​

Customers are able to manage their gift cards at:

  • Account > My Gift Card
    • Ability to Check, Add to list and Redeem gift cards
    • Gift Cards can only be printed if it’s Active, and Method = Print at home, and if the recipient's email matches the account's email
    • At this panel, customers can give a quick check on their Balance Gift Card Credit, Save Gift Card List and Transaction History
    • They can also subscribe to receive notifications when a Gift Card or a Gift Credit changes.
    • Click here for more information
  • In View Cart Page: Customers can use available Gift Cards, Gift Cards in the Saved List or Gift Credit as a discount on the order total.

  • In Checkout Page: Similar to the View Cart, if the customer wants to change the Gift Card or Gift Credit, they can also edit in the last step.

II. For admins​

  • Admins can use Gift Card or Gift Credit when they create a new order

  • Admins can generate a new Gift Card Product, manage Gift Code, Gift Code Pool, Template, History as well as set up the extension’s configuration.

How to configure​

Log in to Magento’s backend and follow Mageplaza > Gift Card, follow our given guide below to complete Gift Card configuration

  • Configuration
  • Gift Card History
  • Manage Templates
  • Manage Gift Code Pools
  • Manage Gift Codes

I. Configuration​

1.1. General Configuration​

At Mageplaza > Gift Card: Configuration to have an overview look at the extension’s general configuration.

1.1.1. General​

Follow the path Mageplaza > Gift Card: Configuration > General Configuration

  • In the Module Enable field: choose “Yes” to turn the module on.
  • In the Gift Code Pattern field: This is the common pattern of generated codes. When creating a Gift Code or a Gift Code Pool, admins can change this template as they desire.
  • In the Allowed maximum times to enter the gift code incorrectly field: Enter the maximum number of times that the wrong code is allowed. If left blank or filled in 0, customers will be allowed to enter the wrong code with unlimited times. The lock time is 5 minutes, after 5 minutes, the customer can continue to enter the new code.
  • In the Enable Gift Card Credit field: Select “Yes” so the customer can use their Gift Card. Then Gift Card Can Be Redeem section will be displayed.
  • In the Gift Card Can Be Redeem field:
    • Only visible when admin set Enable Gift Card Credit = Yes.
    • Allows a gift card to be redeemed.
    • The amount of a gift card after being redeemed will be added to the customer’s gift card credit.
1.1.2. Gift Code Hidden Configuration​

Support admin hiding an art of gift code when being displayed on the frontend

Expand the General Configuration > Gift Code Hidden Configuration

  • This is an additional module of General Configuration
  • In the Enable field
    • Choose “Yes” to apply the Hidden Configuration
    • A part of the gift code will be hidden when being displayed on the frontend Hidden Code Configuration will be applied in the Saved List, View Cart Page and Checkout Page of customers, when the admin clicks Apply Code along with Code in the email informing the sender (when the customer buys Gift Card Product for others)
  • In the Prefix chars field
    • You are able to set the number of prefix characters in the Gift Code
    • If you leave it blank, nothing will be displayed.
  • In the Suffix chars field
    • You are able to set the number of suffix characters in the Gift Code
    • If you leave it blank, nothing will be displayed
  • In the Hidden character field
    • This is the hidden symbol covering characters in the Gift Code
    • If you leave it blank, the default symbol will be “*”

An example of a Saved Gift Card List. When customers click on the Hidden Code, the entire code will be displayed

View Cart Page

Checkout page

The email sent to senders

1.2. Gift Card Product Configuration​

This is where admin sets up the gift card information.

1.2.1. General​

This is where you can set up a few of basic configurations for Gift Card Product.

This is where you can set up few of basic configurations for Gift Card Product Mageplaza > Gift Card: Configuration > Gift Card Product Configuration

  • In the Gift Card Lifetime field: It’s the place to set the expiration date of a gift card purchased by a customer.
  • In the Enable Delivery Time field
    • Select “Yes” to display the Delivery Date on the frontend Gift card Product page. This also allows the customer to choose the gift card delivery date as they wish.
    • When you select “Yes”, the Customer Can Select Timezone section is displayed.

  • In the Customer Can Select Timezone field

    • Will be displayed when admin selects “Yes” in Enable Delivery Date
    • When you select “Yes” in this section, customers can change the timezone according to the choice based on the given List Timezone.
  • In the Enable Check Gift Card Code Status on the frontend field: Select Yes to check and view info on the Gift Card code status of customers on the product page.

  • In the Enable revenue statistics for each Gift Card product: if yes, will display the Gift Card report section for each Gift card product (please see Part VI: How to create a Gift Card Product for more details)
  • Reindex Data button: update old data related to gift code, this section is for old customers to update this part of their update. Also, it is available only when Enable revenue Statistics for each Gift Card product = Yes
1.2.2. Buy Gift Card Product Process​

It’s an add-on part of Gift Card Product Configuration.

It’s an add-on part of Gift Card Product Configuration

  • In the Gift Card Fields Show On Item field
    • This section allows the admin to set the display of the components of a Gift Card in the View Page.
    • Allows to select multiple options
    • You have to choose at least 1 option. If you don’t, this won’t be saved.
  • In the Create Gift Code(s) When field
    • You can specify when the gift card of a customer is created in the backend
    • At Invoice Created:
      • When Invoice Created is done successfully, the customer's gift card will be generated automatically.
      • If, after the invoice is created successfully, the customer wants to cancel the gift card, the admin will create a Credit Memo. Then, the newly created Gift Card will be eliminated, Gift Code in Manage Gift Code is also canceled
  • In the Order Completed line: The customer's gift card will be created as soon as the Order Complete is accomplished. The gift code will be stored in Manage Gift Codes

1.3. Gift Card/Credit Checkout Configuration​

This part is to configure the Gift Card/Credit checkout as the admin’s desire.

1.3.1. General​

Follow the path Mageplaza > Gift Card: Configuration > Gift Card/Credit Checkout Configuration

  • In the Show As Product Image: Choose Yes, the image uploaded for the gift card product will be shown on View Cart Page and Checkout Page instead of the default image.

  • In the Use Coupon Box To Apply Gift Card field

    • Select “Yes” to apply the Gift Code with Magento's default Coupon Box. So that:
      • Can Used Multiple Gift Cards section will be hidden
      • On the frontend, the customer can apply a single Gift Code only. So does admin when creating New Order in the backend.
      • If there’s only Gift Card Product in the Order, when the Gift Code is applied, there will be an error message.
    • Select “No” to apply Gift Code by Gift Card Box of the extension. So that:
      • Can Used Multiple Gift Card section will be display
      • On the frontend or in the backend, Magento’s default Coupon Box will be used to apply the discount.
      • If there’s only Gift Card Product in the Order, the Gift Code will not be displayed.
  • In the Can Use Multiple Gift Cards field

    • If you select “No” in Use Coupon Box To Apply Gift Card part, this section will be displayed.
    • Choose “Yes” to allow customers can use multiple gift cards at the same time.
  • In the Show Gift Card Summary On Total Block field

    • Select “Yes” to display the Gift Code in the Summary section of Total Block when the admin takes action of View Card or Checkout
    • The Gift Code is displayed entirely depending on whether admins use Hidden Code Configuration or not.
  • In the Can Use Gift Credit field

    • Select “Yes” to use the Credit to reduce the order total
    • With the customer who has a gift credit balance = 0, this item will not be displayed
    • Neither will it be displayed if there is only Gift Card Product in the order
1.3.2. Checkout Process​

This is a supplementary part of Gift Card Product Configuration section.

This is a supplementary part of Gift Card Product Configuration section

  • In the Can Use For Shipping Amount field: Select “Yes” to apply a gift Card and gift credit for the shipping fee. If both gift card and gift credit have sufficient value and the customer doesn’t purchase a Gift Card Product, the order can be considered a free one.
  • In the Can Use For Tax field: Select Yes to apply gift card and gift credit for tax.
  • In the Allow Refund Gift Card field: Select “Yes” to be able to refund the amount of a gift card to customer's gift code balance.

1.4. Gift Card Template Configuration​

Admin edit the template of the gift card here to meet their demands.

Expand Mageplaza > Gift Card: Configuration > Gift Card Template Configuration to modify general modules changing template for gift certificates

  • In the Logo field: Choose your own store’s logo. If a logo is already included in the Template, then it will be applied to the customer’s gift card.
  • In the Maximum message character field
    • Set the number of characters that customers will enter in Message on the Gift Card Product’s frontend.
    • If admin leaves it blank or enters 0, the maximum number of characters will be automatically restricted to only 120.
  • In the Default note field
    • Default note can be used to display on gift cards (in case Note is enabled)
    • When admin creates Template in Manage Templates, this can also change Default Note.
  • In Maximum Image Upload File Size: fill in the file size that is allowed to be uploaded to the Gift Card Product page in the frontend

1.5. Email Configuration​

1.5.1. General​

Visit Mageplaza > Gift Card: Configuration > Email Configuration and drop the module down

  • In the Enable Email Notification section: Choose “Yes” to enable the function and “No” for the vice versa result. When a gift card arrives to recipients perfectly, an email containing the gift card will be sent back to the sender.
  • In the Email sender field: Available 5 Magento’s default email senders for your selection: General Contact, Sales Representative, Customer Support, Custom Email 1, Custom Email 2
  • In the Gift Card Email Template field
    • Email notification is pre-installed when customers receive a gift card
    • To change the Gift Card Email Template, admin can create another Email Template under Marketing > Email Template
    • Instruction how to create a new email template can be found here
  • In the Send To: Enter emails separated by (,). When a gift card is sent by customer's email successfully, it will also be sent to these entered emails.
1.5.2. Gift Card Update Notification​

Another small extra for the email configuration is provided for updating email actions.

  • In the Enable field: Choose “Yes” to turn the function on.
  • In the Gift Card Update Email Template function: Similar to Gift Card Email Template
1.5.3. Before Expired Notification​

Another extra module for the email configuration is provided to notify the expiration via email.

  • In the Enable field
    • Choose “Yes” to send an email to the recipient before the gift card is going to be expired after X day(s)
    • Expiration day will be configured in the below section.
  • In the Before Update Email Template function: similar to Gift Card Email Template
  • In the Before Expired Day(s) field
    • Specifies day(s) before the expiration of a gift card for email to be sent
    • This expiration day(s) also applies for SMS sending method.
1.5.4. Notify Sender After Gift Card is Sent​

Another extra add-on for the email configuration is provided to notify the recipient after sending gift cards.

  • In the Enable field: Choose “Yes” to turn the function on.
  • In the Sender Confirmation Email Template function: Similar to Gift Card Email Template
1.5.5. Gift Card Unused Notification​

Is a complement function for the email configuration.

  • In the Enable field
    • Select “Yes” so the senders can receive an email confirmation that the gift card they gave to the recipient has not been used for X day(s) since it was sent.
    • Unused X day(s) will be set up in the below module.
  • In the Unused Notification Email Template function: Similar to Gift Card Email Template
  • In the After Unused Day(s) field
    • Specify the unused gift card day(s) to send email
    • Thereout, emails will be sent if the gift card meets those following rules:
      • The activating gift card is generated from an order.
      • The balance doesn’t change.
      • The unused day(s) = The current day - Delivery Date
1.5.6. Customer Balance Update Notification​

Is an add-on function for the email configuration

  • In the Enable field: Select “Yes” so that customers can receive emails every time the balance of a gift credit is updated.
  • In the Update Balance Email Template field: Similar to Gift Card Email Template

1.6. SMS Configuration​

1.6.1. General​

  • In the Enable SMS Delivery field: Select “Yes” to allow the system to send SMS about the gift card message to customers.
  • In the Twilio Account SID: Admin needs to register a Twilio Account, and use the SMS sending method to enter the correct SID of his Twilio Account.
  • In the Twilio Account Token field: Along with its SID, admin also needs to fill out the correspondent Token Twilio Account
  • In the Sender Phone Number: The field to enter a phone number to send. The phone number should be the one purchased from Twilio
  • In the SMS Message field: This is where the admin modifies the content of the SMS before sending it to customers. Admin can use premade variables to add an SMS text.
1.6.2. Gift Card Update Notification​

After SMS’s general configuration is some bonus mini configurations. First, it’s about Gift Card Update Notification

  • In the Enable field:
    • Choose “Yes” to receive a gift card SMS message informing how many day(s) left to use their gift card.
    • The remaining expiration day(s) is taken from Email Before Expired Day(s) configuration
  • In the Gift Card Update Email Template field: Admin can use those one of available email templates
1.6.3. Before Expired Notification​

Admin can let customers receive an SMS message informing them how many days to use their gift card.

  • In the Enabled field:
    • Select “Yes” to let customers receive a SMS message informing how many days to use their gift card.
    • Before Expired Day(s) will be taken from Email Before Expired Day(s)’s configuration
  • In the Message field: Admin can use pre-made variables in the above box to change the SMS content.

II. Manage Templates​

Go to Mageplaza > Gift Card: Manage Templates

2.1. General Management​

  • This is the core panel archiving all Gift Card Templates
  • From Grid, admin can capture the basic information of the template such as ID, Name, Status, Thumbnail, Created Date and can perform some below actions
    • Delete: check template(s) you want to remove, then choose “Delete” in the Action box (at the left side of the Grid). Click “OK” to confirm the delete action.
    • Change Status: check template(s) you want to apply, in the Action box, select Change Status > Active/Inactive to change selected template(s) status.
    • Edit: To edit a template, select “Edit” in the Action column (the last column to the right of the Grid)
  • Moreover, admins can take action to Filter, Change Store View, Column or Export Grid

2.2. Create/Edit Templates​

After entering the Manage Template page, you can select the red Create New Template button to create a new template. After clicking Save and Continue Edit, the page will automatically switch to the Edit Template page.

2.2.1. Template Information​

  • In the Template Name field
    • Admin is able to name the template. When a gift card product selects this template and its status is Active, the Template Name will be displayed on the Gift Card Product Page frontend
    • If you leave it blank, there will be an error message.
  • In the Status field: Select “Active” to display the template on the Gift Card Product Page frontend, in case Gift Card Product selects this template.
  • In the Allow Upload Image, if the template is displayed on the Gift Card Product frontend
    • By selecting “Yes” in this section, you can allow customers to choose their favourable stock to print on the gift card.
    • In the vice versa result for “No” option, admin just limits customers to choose an available image for gift cards.
  • In the Gift Card Title field:
    • You can change the gift card’s title in this section.
    • Gift Card Title can be printed on, if the gift card’s design has a title part
    • If you leave it blank, there will be an error message
  • In the Font Family field: Admin can change fonts with some pre-installed fonts in this section, including Times-Roman, Helvetica and Courier.
  • In the Background Image: Admin change the background image in this section. If it’s blank, gift card will have a white background
  • In the Gift Card Note field
    • Take the note from Gift Card Template’s configuration
    • Admins can change the note flexibly.
    • Gift Card Note can be displayed if the gift card’s design has a note part.
2.2.2. Design​

Includes two actions:

  • Load From Exist Template: Admins can load existing templates to edit quickly by selecting a template in the list box, then selecting Load Template, the design of the selected template will be displayed in the Design Template section.

  • Design template:
    • Admins can design the Gift Card template on this interface easily and quickly by dragging the left items and dropping them in the empty box on the right.
    • Admins can also change some CSS in the Custom section of each option

2.2.3. Image​
  • Admins will select some images as default images of gift cards by uploading or dragging images directly into the Upload Image box.
  • When the template is displayed on the Gift Card Product Page frontend, these images will also be displayed. Customers can choose different images to print different gift cards.

III. Manage Gift Codes​

By visiting Mageplaza > Gift Card: Manage Gift Code

3.1. General Management​

  • This is the interface which archives all created gift codes.
  • From this grid, admins can collect such fundamental information of a gift code like:
    • ID, Code, Status, Balance, Store View, Expired Date, Created Date
    • Order (indicates the order in which the gift code was created)
    • Pool (indicates which Pool a gift code belongs to)
    • Template (indicates which Template the gift card uses)
    • Delivery (indicates how to send a gift card)
    • Delivery Date (indicates date the sender wants the Gift Card to be sent).
  • Admin can take some actions:
    • Delete: check gift code(s) you want to remove, then choose “Delete” in the Action box (at the left side of the Grid). Click “OK” to confirm the delete action.
    • Change Status: check gift code(s) you want to apply, in the Action box select Change Status > Active/Inactive to change the selected gift code(s) status.
    • Print:
      • Check gift code(s) you want to print, then choose the “Print” at the Action box
      • Only gift code(s) which has template can be printed out.
      • After printing, admins will receive a new PDF file that contains the gift card along with its gift code
    • Send
      • Check gift code(s) you want to send, then choose “Send” at the Action box
      • Only gift code(s) which has method can be sent
      • After being sent, the Delivery’s mark color will be changed from red to green.
    • Edit: To edit a gift code, choose “Edit” at the Action column
  • In addition, admins can Filter, Change Store View, Columns hay Export Grid

3.2. Create/Edit Gift Code​

After accessing the Manage Gift Code(s) page, admins can select Create New Gift Code to create a new template. When click Save and Continue Edit, the page will automatically switch to the Edit Gift Code page, simultaneously display History and some other function buttons (Delete, Print).

3.2.1 Gift Code Information​

  • In the Code Pattern field
    • Will be taken from the General Configuration. Admins can change Code Pattern flexibly.
    • If you leave it blank, there will be an error message.
  • In the Balance field
    • This is where admins assign an amount to a gift card. This amount will be added to the gift credit when it’s redeemed and will be deducted from the order if Apply is set as a Discount.
    • If you leave it blank, there will be an error message.
  • In the Description field: Enter the description, to notify admins of created gift code.
  • In the Status field
    • Choose “Active” to validate the gift code.
    • The status will be changed to “Used” if the gift code is used.
    • The status will be changed to “Inactive” if the Balance is 0.
    • The status will be changed to “Expired” when the gift card is out of date.
    • The status will be changed to “Cancelled” if its order is created a Credit Memo.
  • In the Is Redeemable field
    • This module is only visible when admins select “Yes” for Gift Card Can Be Redeem in General Configuration
    • Select “Yes” to let customers to redeem gift codes to their gift credit
  • In the Store field: The specific store view which a gift code is used. A website can have multiple store views. The gift code can only be used in the Store View which admins choose.
  • In the Expires At field: Admin can set the expiration date for a gift code at here. Gift code can not be used if it’s overdue.
  • In the Created At section: Only visible when gift code was created. It includes date and time creating.
  • In the Created From field: This entry is only visible to gift codes created from the Order that contains the Gift Card Product, including the Order ID and the name of the Gift Card Product.
3.2.3 Gift Code Condition​

Set up the cart condition to be able to apply new Gift Code created/edited

Delivery Information Modules in Delivery Information are automatically filled in if the gift code is created from an order that contains a Gift Card Product that the customer has filled out when making a purchase. However, you can also correct this information before sending a gift card to recipients.

Follow these steps if you want to create a new gift code. Sending Information​

  • In the Template field: The generated templates will be displayed here. When you select the desired template, its image will be displayed (if the Template has an image)
  • In the Image field: This part is visible when the above Template is selected. Admins can change images to print on the gift card. The image that customers upload when buying Gift Card Product is also shown in this section.
  • In the Sender Name field
    • This sender name will be displayed when admins send gift cards, letting the recipient know who gifted this certificate.
    • If the From section is included in gift cards, this sender's name will be displayed on the Gift Card
  • In the Recipient Name field
    • This recipient's name will be used when sending a gift card.
    • If the To section is included in gift cards, the recipient’s name will be displayed on the Gift Card.
  • In the Message field
    • This will be visible if the Message is enabled for selected template
    • If Message is included, the sender's message will be displayed on the Gift Card Delivery Methods​

Includes 4 types of Delivery Method: Email, Text Message, Print At Home and Post Office.

  • Email: When you select this method, the gift card will be sent to the recipient by email. Admins need to fill in all the details so that the system can send the emails correctly (according to Email Configuration)

  • Text Message: The same with Email type, but messages will be sent via SMS

  • Print At Home:

    • Is the same with other delivery methods, but only automatically be filled when the order contains Gift Card Product Type = Print at home
    • With gift codes created from these orders, they are automatically added to the Saved Gift Card’s customer and can be printed at home. (Other gift codes in the Saved List are able to be viewed, redeemed, and removed.)
    • With the gift code created by admins and has been sent successfully, only the customer whose email is the same as the sent email can print the gift card.
  • Post Office: you need to fill in precise information to avoid losing gift cards in the way.

3.2.4. History​

This module is only visible when the gift code has been created (i.e the gift code has been saved). It points out when the code was executed, what actions were done, how much of the remaining balance is, how the amount was changed, if the gift code is still valid

IV. Manage Gift Code Pools​

The general path to manage all modules is Mageplaza > Gift Card: Manage Gift Code Pools

4.1. General Management​

  • Gift Code Pool is a set of gift codes with the same information as Balance, Expiration Date, Template ... Admins can create a Pool to issue a series of gift code quickly.
  • All Gift Code Pools can be recorded and saved in log there
  • From the Grid, admins can acknowledge
    • ID, Name, Status, Balance, Store View, Expired Date, Created Time
    • Available shows for each of Pool contains how many code(s) and the quantity of valid code(s)
  • Admins can accomplish those below basic actions
    • Delete: check gift code pool(s) you want to remove, then choose the “Delete” in the Action box (at the left side of the Grid). Click “OK” to confirm the delete action.
    • Change Status: check gift code pool(s) you want to apply, in the Action box select Change Status > Active/Inactive to change selected gift code pool(s) status. All the gift codes within the pool’s will be changed too.
    • Edit: To edit a gift code pool, admin can select “Edit” in the Action column (the last column to the right of the Grid)
  • Moreover, admins can filter, change store view, modify columns or export grid

4.2. Create/Edit a Gift Code Pool​

Support creating gift code groups to manage and distribute gift cards according to many different campaigns.

4.2.1. Gift Code Information​ Pool Information​

  • In the Name field: A friendly note that you need to name the gift code pool to distinguish easily from other pools.
  • In the Status field: Choose “Active” to enable the pool .
  • In the Can Inherit field: Select “Yes” so that created gift codes will also be changed according to the new alternative of the Pool (except for the Status Attribute) Gift Card Information​

  • Includes the basic information of the gift card, you just need to fill in this information similarly to when creating a gift code.
  • After saving, the created gift card will then have the same information with each others (except the gift card code)
4.2.2. Gift Code Condition​
  • Set up the condition for applying the new Gift Code Pool created/edited
  • If the field Can Inherit = Yes, all Gift Code in Gift Code Pool will auto amatch the Pool conditions.

4.2.3. Generate Gift Cards​

  • This module is only visible when Pool is created, which provides information about the Code, Balance, Status and Date created by the gift card.

  • Generate Type: Select forms to create Gift Code for the Pool. Extension currently supports 3 ways to create:

  • Generate Type = Auto Generate: Generates code automatically according to the installed Pattern. When this method is selected, two fields of Code Pattern and Gift Card Qty will be displayed.
  • Code Pattern: Admin can change the Code Pattern of the Pool. Gift Cards created will have the same Gift Code form
  • Gift Card Qty: Admin just enter the Gift Card number you want to create and click Generate to generate Code quickly

  • Generate Type = Import: Generate code by importing csv file. Admin creates a csv file with the format shown below, select the file and click Import to enter the gift code for the pool.

  • Generate Type = Manual: Create manual code by manually entering the gift code of the pool. Each line in the Gift Code field (s) will be considered a gift code.

V. Gift Card History​

Check the gift card usage history such as the time the gift card was created and who created the gift card.

  • Gift Card History shows the history log of all Gift Cards, including ID, Code, Action, Balance, Amount Change, Status, Detail and Created Date.
  • To delete the history of a gift card, make your way to Manage Gift Code section and delete the gift card, all its history will be also deleted.
  • Moreover, admins can Filter, Change Store View or add/remove column(s)

VI. How to create a Gift Card Product​

To create a new Gift Card Product, follow this link when you’re in store’s backend Product > Catalog > Add New Product > Gift Card Product

After filling in all required information of a Gift Card Product such as Name, SKU, Qty and Category (Gift Card), admins need to choose Gift Card Information to create a Gift Card Product.

  • Updates: There are two new fields that are added: Applies to Customer Groups and Tax Class

    • Applies to Customer Groups: this feature is available in each gift card product. Apply Gift card products according to customer group
    • Tax Class: available in each gift card product. Whether to apply tax calculation to gift card products or not
  • In the Gift Card Information:

  • Gift Code Pattern: admins can change the configured Code Pattern as you wish. When customers buy a gift card product containing this gift code, the product will have the form according to the pattern with the one admin used.
  • Gift Card Type has 3 types
    • E-gift:
      • A gift card will be created when purchasing a gift card product, this product will be sent to the customer via email or SMS according to the way that customer selects.
      • The gift card will be sent to the recipient with the same email (or phone number) that the customer entered when purchasing the gift card product.
    • Print At Home:
      • A gift card is created when purchasing a gift card product, which will be sent to the customer via email
      • The gift card will be sent to the recipient with the same email that customer completed when purchasing their gift card product.
      • A gift code generated by a gift card will automatically be added to the Saved Gift Card List of the customer with the same email as the gift card was sent to.
    • Mail:
      • The created gift card when purchasing a gift card product will be sent to customers via post.
      • Charges may be incurred during the sending process
  • Gift Card Amount: you can configure Amount and Price of a gift card in this section
  • Allow Amount Range: choose “Yes” to allow the customer change Amount of a gift card in the restricted amount set up by the admin.
  • Min Amount: can be configurable when Allow Amount Range = Yes. By setting a minimum amount for a gift card, customers can’t enter a lower amount than that Min Amount. If you leave it blank, the default number will be 0.
  • Max Amount: can be configurable when Allow Amount Range = Yes. By setting a maximum amount for a gift card, customers can’t enter a higher amount than that Max Amount. If you leave it blank, the default number will the gift card’s price
  • Price Percentage: can be configurable when Allow Amount Range = Yes. The price will be displayed in the frontend = Price Percentage x entered Amount by the customer. If you leave it blank, the default Price Percentage = 100%
  • Can Redeem: Choose “Yes” to allow the created gift card from a gift card product can be redeemed (when in Settings > Configuration, the gift card can be redeemed)
  • Expire After Day: you can set the duration of the created gift card when purchasing a gift card product
  • Template: Templates are automatically added to this section. The selected template will be displayed in the frontend.
  • In addition, the admin can set the condition that applies to the Gift Code created from the Gift Card product that Customer purchased at the Gift Code Condition tab.

Example for a gift card which is created when purchasing a gift card product

In the Gift Card Report

  • Showed when Enable revenue statistics for each Gift Card product = Yes ( To Enable: please see the General Configuration, part 1.2.1)
  • Amount Used: Total amount used from GC code
  • Total Amount Purchased = Total of all Order Total purchased GC products, for example, It is the Row Total value of the Gift card products in the order, including Subtotal + Tax - Discount

  • Total GC Code: total number of gift codes created when purchasing GC products
  • Total Balance: total Balance of all gift codes created when purchasing GC products

NOTED: Each Gift Code has its own record, in the case with the same Gift Code but multiple uses and Different orders, the Amount Used will accumulate and update the record immediately

VII. Manage Gift Card Credit in Customer’s backend​

  • You can manage Balance Gift Card Credit and Transaction of customer by following Customer > Edit Customer > Gift Card
  • The tab Gift Card shows you the day Gift Card Credit changed, its Action, the Balance after changing, the amount of change and changing’s Detail.
  • You can add/remove Balance of a customer by entering a number into Change field then click Change.
  • Balance and Transaction information will be synced with the customer's frontend My Account > My Gift Cards

VIII. Frontend​

8.1. Account > Gift Card​

  • My Current Balance indicates the Balance Gift Card Credit of a customer. Balance of Customer is in sync with the balance in Admin/Customer

  • In Check/Redeem Gift Card

    • This is where the customer can check their gift card.
    • After checking, if the gift card is active, Add to List button will be displayed. Customers can click this button to add a gift card to My Saved Gift Card
    • If the gift card is active and Admin > Configuration > Can Redeem = Yes then the Redeem button will be displayed. Customers can click this button to quickly transfer the Balance of Gift Card to their Balance of Gift Card Credit
  • In My Saved Gift Card

    • This is the module that stores all gift cards that the customer stored, and also gives the basic information of a gift card such as Code, * Balance, Status, Expired Date and some other actions.
    • The code can be hidden when admins apply the Hidden Code Config. To see a Code, customers need to click Code
    • View: When a customer click View, a popup that shows the current status of the Gift Card will be displayed

    • Print: This button is only displayed when the gift card has Type = Print at home. When the customer clicks this button, they will receive a PDF containing a printed gift card.
    • Redeem: Only visible when Admin > Configuration > Can Redeem = Yes. Customers can click this button to quickly transfer the Balance of Gift Card to their Balance of Gift Card Credit.
    • Remove: Customers click this button to remove a gift card from the Save List
  • In Transaction section:

    • Being synced with Admin > Customer > Gift Card > Transaction
    • Archives the history of actions about the changed balance of a Gift Card Credit
  • In Notification Setting

    • Check the Gift Card Update Notification so that customers can receive email notification every time their gift card is updated.
    • Check the Update Balance Notification so that Customer can receive email notification every time their balance of Gift Card Credit is updated

8.2. Gift Card Category​

This is the place archiving all created Gift Card Products. Admins can create a new Category for storage works conveniently. There’re 2 ways of creating a new Category:

  • Go to Product > Category, click New Category, fill required information and don’t forget to click Save

  • Go to Product > Catalog > Edit Gift Card Product (or create new) > Category > New Category``

8.3. Gift Card Product Page​

Customers can configure their Gift Card Product in here. Depending on the type of the gift card, the Gift Card Product Page has different interfaces. Gift Card Product Page has 2 main sections: Gift Card Template and Gift Card Information

  • In Gift Card Template:
    • This is where all the Active Template Gift Cards ( which admin selected in the Backend) is stored.
    • Customers can select one of the Gift Card Template images to print on their gift card
    • Customers can also upload their photos by dragging their images or clicking the Upload button
    • The images that customer submit but do not order products will be deleted weekly on Sunday
    • Upload is only visible when the selected template allows Upload Image
  • In Gift Card Information: This is where customers can configure a gift card information. Each type of a Gift Card Product has its own configuration form. Gift Card Product Type = Egift: Gift Card Information includes the following items

  • For Amount:

    • Amount of a gift card installed by the admin in the backend. Usually, a gift card has only 1 amount.
    • If a gift card has many amounts in the Backend, then customers have many Amount options.
    • Also, when the admin sets up an Amount with Range settings, customers can change the amount according to their own within the given range.
    • The price of a gift card is calculated in %, which is configured in the backend
  • In Delivery: With an E-gift card product, there are two delivery methods that the customer can choose:

    • Email: Customers select Delivery = Email; the gift card will be sent via email, which was filled.
    • Text Message: Customers selects Delivery = Text Message, the gift card will be sent via Phone Number which the customer filled
  • Email: This module displays when the customer selects Delivery = Email. Gift Card will be sent to this email when the order completed

  • In Phone Num: Which stands for Phone Number, displays when customers select Delivery = Text Message. Their gift card will be sent to this number when the order completed (admins need to configure in SMS Configuration). Change the Locate in Configuration to change the area code of the phone number

  • In From/To: These two sections indicate the sender and receiver names of the gift card. They will be displayed in the gift card if the items are available in the template

  • Message: The maximum number of characters is 120. This number can be changed by the Admin in Configuration. This item will be displayed in the gift card if it’s available in the template

  • Delivery Date: Customers can choose the date the Gift Card is sent. Delivery date is limited to 1 year from the current date. This item is displayed when Admin is installed in Configuration part

  • Timezone: Same as Delivery Date, customers can choose their timezone in the given list. This part is only displayed when the admin enables in Configuration

  • Gift Card Product Type = Print At Home: Gift Card Information of Print At Home Gift Card Product is essentially the same as the E-gift card product. The two Gift Card Products have the following differences:

    • Delivery method is Print At Home. When the customer purchases this Gift Card Product type successfully, the gift code will automatically be added to the customer's Save List
    • No Email / Phone Num. , Delivery Date and Timezone

  • Gift Card Product Type = Mail: Gift Card Information of Mail Gift Card The product is essentially the same as the E-gift Card Product type. They have different delivery methods. Delivery of a Mail Gift Card Product is Post Office which means the gift card will be sent based on the customer's address

IX. How to import Gift Card Code(s)​

At the admin backend, keep track System > Data Transfer: Import

At the Import page, choose the extension you need to input Gift Code(s). At Import Settings, choose Entity Types = Mageplaza Gift Card Code, Import Behaviour and File to Import will be displayed.

To have a CSV file containing basic information to import Gift Card Code(s), you need to click Download Sample File. Then, edit the content in available columns in the Sample File to have a CSV file that has Gift Card Code(s) easily and quickly. A quick note that you shouldn’t change the name of columns, otherwise it will get an error message when Check Data launches.

A CSV file contains:

  • Code: This is the column to fill Gift Card Code(s). The admin can enter any code as he wishes. This is a required information.
  • Balance: This is where you can enter the corresponding balance of each gift card. This is a required information.
  • Status: indicates the status of a gift card. This is a required information. There are 6 statuses:
    • 1: means Active status
    • 2: means Inactive status
    • 3: means Pending status
    • 4: means Used status
    • 5: means Expired status
    • 6: means Canceled status
  • Can_redeem: indicates whether the gift card code can be redeemed or not. This is a required information. There are 2 Can Redeem states:
    • 1: means the gift card code can be redeemed
    • 2: means the gift card code can not be redeemed
  • Store_id: corresponding to the Store View ID in Stores > Settings> All Stores. This is a required information.
  • Pool_id: corresponding to the Gift Card Pools ID in Manage Gift Card Pools. If you leave it blank, that gift card does not belong to any Pools
  • Template_id: corresponds to the ID of the Gift Card Template contained in Manage Templates. If you leave it blank, Gift Card does not have a template
  • Expired_at: indicates the expiration date of a gift card. If you leave it blank, the gift card has no expiration (Permanent)

To the next step, we need to choose an Action for Import. In Import Behaviour, choose “Add/Update” so that gift code(s) will be automatically added to Manage Gift Code

Now you can select a CSV file to import.

  • Choose the file you want to import.
  • The importable CSV file needs to meet the above conditions. To make sure things will work well, click the red Check data button. Data in the submitted CSV file will be checked and a message will inform whether it's valid or not. In case of being invalid, admins need to check the CSV file (especially required columns, column’s name,etc.). With the valid case, the Import button will appear along with the message below

Clicking the Import button is the final steps!


  • You should run the command: "bin/magento giftcard:uninstall" before you uninstall this extension so that your website doesn't face the error.

X. API Document​

Mageplaza Gift Card Extension supports retrieving and pushing data onto the website using the REST API. Please check this document for more details on supported APIs

XI. GraphQL Document​

Mageplaza Gift Card Extension supports getting and pushing data on the website with GraphQL.


To install, run the following command in Magento 2 root folder:

composer require mageplaza/module-gift-card-graphql
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


To start working with Gift Card GraphQL in Magento, you need to:


What is the mission of the Magento 2 Gift Card extension for? Is it necessary?
Gift cards are especially important for international stores and during holidays. In these occasions, many people tend to buy gift cards as presents for their loved ones, so it would be a pity if your store doesn't offer this item. The Gift Card extension for Magento 2 is a great tool that helps online businesses easily and quickly create gift card templates with the drag-and-drop feature.
How is a gift card/voucher supported for an offline payment?
Your customers can use gift cards as a payment method for online and offline orders. With offline orders, recipients only need to present gift codes or print cards out as normal gift certificates. This advantage could be one reason that helps you sell gift cards more easily.
How to change the gift template?
The gift card layout will be chosen instantly on the front end by CMS Static Block, there are some pre-made layouts that are available to pick from. Moreover, admins can easily drag and drop to design new gift card layout templates.
How many gift card codes can shoppers apply?
There is no limit to gift card codes if you use Gift Card extension by Mageplaza. Your customers are allowed to add multiple codes as they have. In addition, the removal is so easy to implement.
What should I do if my gift card code is stolen?
Don’t worry about that! Magento 2 Gift Card module ensures the gift card code is secured tightly by replacing the part of code by X symbol.
How many gift codes can I generate at the same time?
The minimum number of gift codes you can generate at once is 10 and the maximum is unlimited with the help of Magento 2 Gift Card extension. Therefore, please feel free to issue gift card codes in bulk
If I use the Gift Card extension, how do my customers use the cards when they purchase?
Customers can use gift cards purchased through a Magento 2 Gift Card Extension by entering the gift card code at checkout. The gift card balance will be applied to the total order amount, and any remaining balance can be used for future purchases. Some extensions may also allow customers to check their gift card balance or view their gift card transaction history

XIII. Support and Assistance​

1. Customer Support​

For any assistance, please visit our Support page or email us at

2. Create a Ticket​

If you need to create a support ticket, please use the following link:

Create Ticket Link

Operating Hours​

Our support team is available during the following hours:

  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 23:59 PM
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

Refund Policy​

We understand that sometimes things don't go as planned. Please review our refund policy for detailed information:

Refund Policy Link

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)​

For quick answers to common questions, please visit our FAQ page:

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