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PDF Invoice


Mageplaza offers a solution to help customers easily print, download PDF Invoice, PDF Order, PDF Shipment, PDF Credit Memo quickly and easily with just a single click on the customer information page. To enhance user experience, PDF files are included in emails to customers. In addition, Mageplaza also adds the HTML edit feature so shop owners can customize their PDF files, and Preview function also allows them to take an overview look at the newly created design conveniently.

Outstanding Features​

Outstanding FeatureDescription
1Download and PrintBoth store admins and customers can download and print or mass print all documents including order, invoice, shipment, credit memo.
2Highly Customizable TemplatesOffer multiple pre-designed templates. Admins can configure several details, such as the template's basic design and style. Besides, admin can edit CSS and HTML to customize the templates. A preview button also allows admin to view the template without moving to another page.
3QR code and barcodeAbility to include product images, QR codes in the PDF helps customer easily scan to view order or product information

Installation Guide​

We offer two methods for installing our plugins: the Copy & Paste method and the Composer method. Please follow the detailed instructions provided below.

Method 1: Installation via Copy & Paste​

To install our plugins using the Copy & Paste method, kindly follow the instructions at the link below:

How to Install Magento 2 Extension via Copy & Paste

Method 2: Installation via Composer​

Composer name: mageplaza/module-pdf-invoice

To install our extensions using Composer, please refer to the comprehensive guide at the link below:

How to Install Magento Extension via Composer

By following these guides, you can ensure that the installation process is handled correctly, allowing you to fully utilize the features and benefits of our plugins.

Module Update Guide​

Keeping your module updated ensures optimal performance. Follow one of these steps to update your module:

  1. By Account Dashboard: Log in to your Mageplaza account > go to the My Licenses section > click on the Download button > choose the latest version from the popup.

  2. By composer: Kindly use the following commands to update module via composer

composer require mageplaza/module-pdf-invoice
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Updating a module by Composer ensures efficient dependency management, version control, and integration with development tools, making the process faster and more reliable.

Note: To use the full feature of PDF Invoice, you need to get the full font of the library here. After downloading and unzipping the library, you just need to drag and drop the unzipped folder into the lib directory:

You can also directly download the library here.

How to configure​

Log in to your Magento Admin, follow the path Store > Setting > Configuration > Mageplaza Extensions > PDF Invoice

1. Configuration.​

1.1. General Configuration​

Keep going from Store > Setting > Configuration > Mageplaza Extensions > PDF Invoice > General Configuration, expand the section

  • In Enable PDF Invoice field:
    • Uncheck the Use system value to configure the extension. Choose “Yes” to enable it
    • Tick Use system value again to use “Enable PDF Invoice = Yes” as your default.
  • Expand Business Information field:
    • In Company Name field:
      • Enter your company/store name, it will be displayed in your PDF invoice.
      • If you leave it blank, the Company Name place won’t have a name.
      • Check Use system value to use it as default.
    • In Black Logo (Color):
      • Choose logo shown on PDF Template 1. Only allow choosing logo for image format: jpeg, gif, png.
      • Use the default logo if you leave this field blank
    • In White Logo
      • Choose logo shown on PDF Template 2. Only allow choosing logo for image format: jpeg, gif, png.
      • Use the default logo if you leave this field blank
    • In Logo Width field:
      • Select the size for your logo (pixel)
      • If you leave it blank, defaul width is 180px
      • Check Use system value to use 180px as default logo width.
    • In Logo Height field:
      • Select the size for your logo (pixel)
      • If you leave it blank, defaul width is 30px
      • Check Use system value to use 30px as default logo width.
    • In Address field:
      • This is the place where you can fill in your company/store’s address, this will be displayed in the PDF invoice file.
      • If you leave it blank, address information won’t be seen.
      • Check Use system value to use it as default.
    • In VAT number field:
      • Enter your company/store’s VAT number to perform it on the PDF file.
      • There won’t be VAT number displayed if you leave it blank.
      • Check Use system value to use it as default.
    • In Phone field:
      • Enter your company/store’s phone numbers.
      • If you leave it blank, phone numbers won’t be seen.
      • Check Use system value to use it as default.
    • In Email field:
      • Enter your company/store’s official email address.
      • There won’t be email displayed if you leave it blank.
      • Check Use system value to use it as default.
    • In Registered Number field:
      • Enter your company/store’s business number in this field.
      • If you leave it blank, PDF invoice file won’t display it.
      • Check Use system value to use it as default.

1.2. Design​

  • In Heading Color field:

    • You're able to customized color of heading in the PDF file
    • If you leave it blank, the color of heading will be white.
    • When you print the PDF in the backend, the color of heading will be the selected color in Store View > Default Config. While when you print the PDF in the frontend or send an email with a PDF attachment, the heading Color will display according to the configuration of that store.
  • In Show Page Number field:

    • Choose "Yes" to display page numbers at the end of the PDF document.
    • Check Use system value to set "Show Page Number = Yes" as default.
    • Please note that:
      • When you configure it in Store View > Default Config, the page number is displayed/hidden when you print the PDF in the backend and when you preview the template.
      • When you configure the store, the number of pages is displayed/hidden when you print the PDF outside of the frontend and in the PDF attached to the email.
      • Specifically, when you print multiple PDFs at the same time, displaying the page number at the bottom of each PDF is the default.
  • In Page Number Display Position field: Select the position to display the page number of the PDF file:

    • Top: Display on the top of each page in the PDF file.

    • Bottom: Display at the bottom of each page in the PDF file.

  • In Page Size field:

    • There are 4 kinds of paper size you can choose: A4, A5, A6, and A7.

    • The design of PDF files works best with a A4 page size.
    • When you print a PDF in the backend or when you create a template, the page size displays in Store View > Default Config section.
    • When you print a PDF in the frontend or send an email with a PDF attachment, the page size will display in the configuration section of the store.

  • PDF Margin: Admin can customize the margin for an invoice with measurement unit mm.
  • a;b;c;d are margin-top; margin-right; margin-bottom;margin-left
  • This field only accepts numeric values (2;1.5;2;3 is default).
  • If you want to use decimals, the separator is a dot (.) symbol.

To configure font and barcode, navigate to Font and Barcode Settings section: You can go to Design section in Configuration to find it.

  • Base Font Size: The size of letters/numbers of Barcode:

    • Only accept positive numbers
    • Only accept values <1.5 (Default is 0.9)
    • A value from 0.7 to 1.5 is most recommended
  • Barcode Type: the bar code in the invoice is displayed below the product information by default

  • Barcode Source Attribute includes SKU, Product ID, Product name (SKU is default).

  • QR Code Source Attribute includes SKU, Product ID, Product name (SKU is default).

1.3. Order​

  • In Enable PDF Attachment field:
    • Uncheck the Use system value to configure the extension. Choose “Yes” to send the PDF invoice attached along with the email.
    • Tick Use system value again to use “Enable PDF Attachment = Yes” as your default.
  • In Apply for customer groups:
    • Specific Groups: Show Customer Group field. Only selected customers are able to view attachments in emails
    • All Allowed Groups: All customers can view attachments in emails
  • In Condition field: Select the condition to display Print PDF Order with each order to download files. Orders that do not satisfy selected conditions will not display Print PDF Order.
  • In Label: Set up the Label Print PDF Order in My Order page in the frontend
  • PDF File Download Name: Enter the name of the file downloaded when printing PDF Orders with each order. For example, order_%increment_id.
  • Multiple Orders PDF File Downloaded Name: Enter the name of the file downloaded when Print PDF Orders with many orders.
  • In Select Template field:
    • Uncheck the Use system value to configure the extension. Choose “Template” to display the PDF file as in the selected template.
    • All your created templates will be displayed as a drop-down list in this section.

  • Tick Use system value to use Select Template = Template 1 as the default setting.

  • Preview: After selecting a template, you can click on preview template to preview the invoice template.

  • If store owners want to use the page size is A5, they should use the template for A5. As this template that we design servers for the page size for A5.

  • Code Type: You have 2 options to choose the type of code displayed in the invoice:

    • Barcode
    • QR code (If you choose this option, run the command "composer require mpdf/qrcode"
    • None: No code appears in billing
  • In Show Custom Print Button field:

  • Uncheck Use system value to configure this field.

    • Show Custom Print Button = Both: This will display an additional Print PDF Order button in the backend’s Order and the frontend’s My order page. When customers click the Print PDF Order button, the designed PDF template will be downloaded automatically.
    • In Note field: This is the place where you enter your note for the Order. HTML code can be use in here.


Order Guest View Frontend

Backend in each of the order

Or in massAction, besides displaying Print PDF Orders button, we also design Print PDF Invoices so that store owners can print Invoices at this place. Print PDF Invoices will display in massAction

      • Show Custom Print Button = Custom PDF: Show Print PDF Order at massAction This won’t display Print PDF Order button. The button will be combinated with Print button by Magento 2. When the button is clicked, the designed PDF template will be downloaded automatically.


Order Guest View Frontend


      • Show Custom Print Button = No: This won’t display Print PDF Order button. When the button is clicked at My Order page on the frontend, the file will be downloaded as the Magento 2’s template.
    • Check Use system value to use “Show Custom Print Button = Both” as the default setting.


Backend in each of the order

In massAction

  • Display Print Button On Top: Select Yes to show the Print button at the top of Order Grid. Choose No, not display the Print button but using default Magento PDF file.

  • In Note field: This is the place where you enter your note for the Order. HTML code can be use in here.

1.4. Invoice​

  • In Enable PDF Attachment field:

    • Uncheck Use system value to configure the extension. Choose “Yes” to send emails along with the attached PDF invoice.
    • Check Use system value to set “Enable PDF Attachment = Yes” as the default setting.
  • In Apply for customer groups:

    • Specific Groups: Show Customer Group field. Only selected customers are able to view attachments in emails
    • All Allowed Groups: All customers can view attachments in emails
  • In Label: Set up the Label Print PDF Order in My Order page in the frontend

  • PDF File Downloaded Name: Enter the name of the file downloaded when Print PDF Invoices with each invoice.

  • Multiple Invoices PDF File Downloaded Name: Enter the name of the file downloaded when Print PDF Invoices with many invoices.

  • In Select Template field:

    • Uncheck Use system value to configure the extension. Choose “Template” to display the PDF file as selected template.

    • Check Use system value to use “Select Template = Template 1” as the default setting.
    • If store owners want to use the page size is A5, they should use the template for A5. As this template that we design servers for the page size for A5.
  • In Show Custom Print Button:

    • Uncheck Use system value to configure the extension. Choose Print button to display:
      • Show Custom Print Button = Both: This will display Print PDF Invoice button in the backend’s invoice and on the My Order page of the frontend. When clicking that button, the designed PDF template will be downloaded automatically.


Backend in each of the order

In massAction

        • Show Custom Print Button = Custom PDF: This won’t display Print PDF Invoice button. The button will be combinated with Print button by Magento 2. When the button is clicked, the designed PDF template will be downloaded automatically.



In each of the order:

Or in massAction:

        • Show Custom Print Button = No: This won’t display Print PDF Invoice button. When admins click Print in the backend’s Invoice and customers click Print Invoice in My Order of the frontend, the order file will be downloaded as the Magento’s template.


Backend in each of the order

In massAction

  • Display Print Button In Order Grid: Select Yes to show the Print PDF Invoices button at the top of Order Grid. Choose No, not display the Print button but using default Magento PDF file.

  • In Note field: This is the place where you enter your note for the Order. HTML code can be use in here.

1.5. Shipment​

  • In Enable PDF Attachment field:

    • Uncheck Use system value to configure the extension. Choose “Yes” to send emails along with the attached PDF invoice.
    • Check Use system value to set “Enable PDF Attachment = Yes” as the default setting.
  • In Apply for customer groups:

    • Specific Groups: Show Customer Group field. Only selected customers are able to view attachments in emails
    • All Allowed Groups: All customers can view attachments in emails
  • In Label: Set up the Label Print PDF Order in My Order page in the frontend

  • PDF File Downloaded Name: Enter the name of the file downloaded when Prin DPF Shipments with each shipment.

  • Multiple Shipments PDF File Downloade Name: Enter the name of the file downloaed when Print PDF Shipments with many shipments.

  • In Select Template field:

    • Uncheck Use system value to configure the extension. Choose “Template” to display the PDF file as selected template.

    • Check Use system value to use “Select Template = Template 1” as the default setting.
    • If store owners want to use the page size is A5, they should use the template for A5. As this template that we design servers for the page size for A5.
  • In Show Custom Print Button:

  • Uncheck Use system value to configure the extension. Choose Print button to display:
    • Show Custom Print Button = Both: This will display an additional Print PDF Shipment button in the backend’s Order and the frontend’s My order page. When customers click the Print PDF Shipment button, the designed PDF template will be downloaded automatically.


Backend in each of the order

In massAction

        • Show Custom Print Button = Custom PDF: This won’t display Print PDF Order button. The Print PDF Shipment button will be combinated with Print button by Magento 2. When admins click Print of the Shipment (in the backend) or customers click Print Shipment (My account > My Order of the frontend), the designed PDF template will be downloaded automatically.

Frontend: Backend in each of the order

        • Show Custom Print Button = No: This won’t display Print PDF Shipment button. When admins click Printof the Shipment in the backend’s or customers click Print Shipment in My Order of the frontend, the file will be downloaded as the Magento 2’s template.


Backend in each of the order

In massAction

  • In Note field: This is the place where you enter your note for the Order. HTML code can be used in here.

  • Display Print Button In Order Grid: Select Yes to show the Print PDF Shipments button at the top of Order Grid. Choose No, not display the Print button but using default Magento PDF file.

1.6. Credit Memo​

  • In Enable PDF Attachment field:
    • Uncheck Use system value to configure the extension. Choose “Yes” to send emails along with the attached PDF invoice.
    • Check Use system value to set “Enable PDF Attachment = Yes” as the default setting.
  • In Apply for customer groups field:
    • Specific Groups: Display the extra Customer Group field, only selected customers can view the attached file in the email.
    • All Allowed Groups: All customers can view the attached file in the email.
  • PDF File Downloaded Name: Enter the name of the file downloaded when Print PDF Credit Memos with each credit memno.
  • Multiple Credit Memos PDF File Downloaded Name: Enter the name of the file downloaded when Print DPF Credit Memos with many credit memos.
  • In Select Template field:
    • Uncheck Use system value to configure the extension. Choose “Template” to display the designed PDF as in the selected template.
    • Check Use system value to set “Select Template = Template 1” as default setting.
    • If store owners want to use the page size is A5, they should use the template for A5. As this template that we design servers for the page size for A5.
  • In Show Custom Print Button:
    • Uncheck Use system value to configure the extension. Choose Print button to display:
      • Show Custom Print Button = Both: This will display an additional Print PDF Refund button in the backend’s Credit Memo and the frontend’s My order page. When customers click the Print PDF Refund button, the designed PDF template will be downloaded automatically.


Backend in each of the order

In massAction

        • Show Custom Print Button = Custom PDF: This won’t display Print PDF Refund button. The Print PDF Refund** button will be combinated with Printbutton by Magento 2. When admins clickPrintof the Credit Memo (in the backend) or customers clickPrint Credit Memo (My account > My Order`` of the frontend), the designed PDF Credit Memo template will be downloaded automatically.


Backend in each of the order

In massAction

        • Show Custom Print Button = No: This won’t display Print PDF Refund button. When admins click Printof the Credit Memo section (in the backend) or customers click Print Refund in My Order (of the frontend), the file will be downloaded as the Magento 2’s template.


Backend in each of the order

In massAction

  • In Note field: This is the place where you enter your note for the Order. HTML code can be use in here. Also, when you print in the massAction, store owners can print all PDF files of many different stores. All this PDF files will display as the configuration of that store and the PDF files are extracted in the zip format.

  • Display Print Button In Order Grid: Select Yes to show the Print PDF Credit Memo button at the top of Order Grid. Choose No, not display the Print button but using default Magento PDF file.

2. Manage Templates​

From the Admin Panel, go to Store > PDF Invoice > Manage Templates

Click Add New Template Order button and choose the kind of template you want to generate. There will be 4 kinds of template corresponds to 4 kinds of PDF file:

  • Order
  • Invoice
  • Shipment
  • Credit Memo

You’re able to freely design template in your own style of use available template in the extension’s configuration.

For example, if you choose to create an “Order” template, the design form will appear like this below image:

  • In Load default template field:

    • Template

    • You can choose one of available templates. With each template, you can choose to display product images in the PDF file. After having it done, the chosen template will show up right your left side to be previewed.
    • If you don’t choose a template form, the default template will be “Template = Template 1”.
    • Load Template: The selected template’s code will be displayed automatically in the below HTML box.

  • In Template Information field:
    • Currently Used for: Click the PDF Invoice link to direct to the configuration section.
    • Template Name
      • This is the place where you name your own template.
      • If you leave it blank, there will be an error message.
    • Insert Variables: Choose a variable to display the value of that variable in the PDF file. Besides that, Mageplaza also supports customers in adding more information such as Order Information, Shipping Information, or Billing Information.

  • Edit HTML: This section allows you generate a unique PDF form by your own idea.
  • Preview: After editing the PDF form, click here to have an overview glance again.

  • Link CSS: This will direct you to a detail CSS support guide that how to learn to design by CSS properly.
  • Link HTML Support: Click it to direct to a detail HTML support guide which points out what HTML tags you can use to create a template.
  • Template Style: You can add CSS codes at here. Users can set supported fonts such as: Roboto, Lato, Roboto_condensed, Opens_san, Oswald, Montserrat for the whole PDF file. If the fonts are not supported, Mageplaza will convert them into the default DejaVu font.

3. Sale​

From the Admin backend, follow Sales > Operation > Orders. In this section, you can output a printable PDF Order. Moreover, PDF Invoice, PDF Shipment or PDF Credit Memo can be had in the same method. Here the detail guide for the Order's part:

In the Order section, click Print PDF Order button to download the PDF Order.

The downloaded PDF will have your designed template from previous steps you’ve done above.

When you click Send Email, the sending email will be attached that PDF Order if in the 1.2. Order’s configuration, “Enable PDF Attachment = Yes”. Besides, when customers place a new order, stores will send that particular order billing to their emails. Your customers can preview and download to print this PDF Order instantly.

When you create Invoice, Shipment or Credit Memo, if you check the “Email Copy of Invoice”, “Email Copy of Shipment” or “Email Copy of Credit Memo” box, the sent mail will also include the PDF file.

Similar to the Order section, Invoice, Shipment or Credit Memo PDF files will be attached to the sent mail, or when customer click Print button, the PDF file will be downloaded automatically. With the virtual product’s Order, in the PDF Order, PDF Invoice, PDF Credit Memo, there won’t be included Shipping To, Shipping Information or Shipment Method section.

4. API​

Mageplaza's PDF Invoice extension supports the use of the Rest API to view details of the PDf file via order, invoice, shipment, credit memo, etc. created by the admin and customer.

  • Details can be viewed here.
  • Instructions for creating Integration tokens here.

5. FAQs​

I want to be sure that the Module Magento 2 PDF Invoice allows to download all the invoices of one specific store in my back office?
Yes, the PDF Invoice supports mutil store view. and allows to download all the invoices of one specific store.
Does it support mutil language?
Yes, the extension supports more than 80 languages, meeting most global brand needs.
We have an extension that saves extra product data in a database table. Can your extension Magento 2 PDF Invoice show this data on PDF invoices?
Yes, as long as it is a product in the catalog, the data on PDF invoice will be displayed.
Does the module support Packing Slip?
No, the module does not offer support for Packing Slips.
Does the module support exporting PDF files for Order, Shipment and Credit memo?
Yes. Module supports exporting Order, Invoice, Shipment and Credit memo
Does the module allow custom editing of PDF templates?
Yes. Module supports editing with HTML and CSS.
Does the module allow editing the name of PDF files?
Yes, the module allows editing the name according to the customer's wishes in configuration.
Does the module have a sample template?
The module has a variety of templates available for customers to use.

6. Support and Assistance​

1. Customer Support​

For any assistance, please visit our Support page or email us at

2. Create a Ticket​

If you need to create a support ticket, please use the following link:

Create Ticket Link

Operating Hours​

Our support team is available during the following hours:

  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 23:59 PM
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

Refund Policy​

We understand that sometimes things don't go as planned. Please review our refund policy for detailed information:

Refund Policy Link

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)​

For quick answers to common questions, please visit our FAQ page:

FAQ Page Link