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How to configure Foursquare API

Foursquare requires that you create an external application linking your website to their API. Application id and secret (also sometimes referred as Consumer key and secret or Client id and secret) are what we call an application credentials. This application will link your website to Foursquare API and these credentials are needed in order for Foursquare users to access your website.

These credentials may also differ in format, name, and content depending on the social network.

To enable authentication with this provider and to register a new Foursquare API Application, follow the steps:

Step 1

First, go to:

Step 2

Select Create a new app.

Step 3

Fill out App name, page url, Redirect URI, etc.

Step 4

Click Save change to finish.

Step 5

Copy and insert Client Id and Client Secret into API fields in Magento Admin.

Step 6

Copy and insert API into API fields in Magento Admin > Social Login > Settings > Foursquare

And that's it!

If for some reason you still can't manage to create an application for Foursquare, you can ask for support.